Thursday, January 3, 2019

New Year Resolution 2019 - No Spending!

So my New Year's Resolution for 2019 is NO SPENDING!

To be more precise... No unnecessary spending.  Although on January 1, 2019... I've already went shopping on ebay and bought a Housing frame cover for GoPro Session 4.  It's suppose to be part of a gift to one of my favorite customer... Rev. Lockhart

and again today... I am documenting my spending habit.  I made another purchase at Walmart for some plastic bins... Because I am trying to clear out my crochet room and I am going to need some plastic bins.  So I bought a set of 8 for $42.12 which will help me store some of my completed crochet items and yarn.

So I am feeling a bit guilty for this.  But actually feels good for feeling conscious about my spending habits.  

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