Thursday, February 15, 2024

Learning the Beauty of Simplicity and Intentional Living


As I sit down to crochet another sleeve cover for my Kindle, I find myself immersed in a world of minimalist documentaries on YouTube. The irony is not lost on me as I create something new while learning about the beauty of simplicity and intentional living.

Each stitch I make is a deliberate choice, a mindful act of creation that contrasts with the consumerist messages of the documentaries. As I work, I think about the value of handmade items, the care and attention to detail that goes into each piece.

Crocheting these covers has become more than just a hobby; it's a form of meditation, a way to slow down and appreciate the process. With each documentary, I'm reminded of the importance of living with less and cherishing the things we have. My Kindle cover may be small, but it's a reminder that beauty and meaning can be found in the simplest of things.

Handmade Crochet Kindle Sleeve Cover
Find these and more at

Handmade by Haniyyah

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