Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year & Happy Crochet

The first day of the year, a fresh start,
A time to leave the past, and to depart.
With hook in hand, and yarn at the ready,
I begin a new, my stitches steady.

Each loop, a symbol of hope and change,
A promise to make, a new page to arrange.
With every color, I weave a new dream,
Of love and laughter, of joy, it seems.

With each row, I create a new story,
Of the past, present, and the future, the glory.
Like the year, it unfolds, and takes shape,
A beautiful tapestry, to appreciate.

So as the clock strikes twelve, and the new year dawns,
Let us all, with our crochet, create something that adorns.
May our work be a reflection of the love we share,
And may it bring us, joy and hope, everywhere.

Happy New Year, let's make it a good one,
with our crochet, and the loved ones.

By Handmade by Haniyyah

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