Friday, January 6, 2023

Some say Crochet have its origin with fishermen.

There is a theory that crochet may have originated with fishermen in the Mediterranean, who used crochet techniques to create nets and other fishing gear. According to this theory, crochet was originally a practical craft that was used to create functional items that were needed for everyday life.

There is some evidence to support this theory. For example, crocheted objects such as fishnets and baskets have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs, and there are also references to crocheted objects in early Mediterranean literature. However, the origins of crochet are still somewhat uncertain, and it is possible that the craft may have developed independently in different parts of the world.

It's important to note that while this theory is widely cited, it has not been definitively proven and there is still ongoing debate among historians and researchers about the origins of crochet.

Just recently organized my yarn stash back to this white bookshelves.  
My organization is contantly changing.  I just wish I have a bigger room for my crochet room.  

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