Friday, October 30, 2015

Revamp on etsy listing

I've noticed a dramatic decrease in my etsy sales for the past few months.  I am not completely ready to give it up just yet and decided to do something about it.  To hopefully to increase traffic and sales, I am revamping some of my product photos and images.  Mug cozies are my number one product during the fall and winter season.  So I am starting with them.  I am content with the new photos.

I also decided to tag them, because I have found in the past that people or re-seller do use them without my permission.  

The background is a cabinet and drawer liner that I purchased for under $2 bucks at Wal-Mart.  I paste it on flexible poster board.  Even had enough to re-finish a table top.

1 comment:

  1. I have ordered items you've made from Etsy and have been very satisfied. I hope you continue with it!


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